FIRE SAFETY WEEK has us aware and prepared! We discussed many safety procedures for fire prevention and safety. We practiced “stop, drop, and roll” which we learned was important to do if our clothes ever caught on fire. We talked about the importance of having fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, and emergency exits in our homes, at school, and in any building. We even went on a hunt in our school to find and count them all! Boy, did we find them quickly!
We read books like ” A Day In The Life of A Fireman” which taught us about all the things that go on before, during, and after a fire alarm goes off. We also got a closer look at the firemen’s equipment and clothing that they wear to stay safe in a fire. We saw pictures of the parts of a fire truck and the many tools needed to put fires out. The book ” Let’s Meet A Firefighter” taught us that they do more than fight fires, like saving people from danger and emergencies.
We created our own personal fireman hats, sponge painted fire hydrants, used our fingerprints to make spotted dalmatians, finger painted flames, and put together a flaming “F” out of our recent letter of the week!
We belted out the words to the songs ” I’m A Firefighter” and “Fire Safety”. We added firefighter and fire truck to our sign language list. Ask us to show you!
Lastly, at our sensory tables in Pre K, we used spray bottles to “put the fire out”. In Preschool, we created a car wash to clean the firetrucks after a fire!
It’s amazing how through art, stories, songs, and more, we can give children such important information and knowledge! Safety first! ?