HANUKKAH WEEK was filled with fun games, stories, and songs! We discussed how Hanukkah is celebrated by lighting a candle on the menorah each of the 8 nights. We learned about the different foods eaten, like latkes and special jelly doughnuts. Yummy!

We sang “Dreidel Dreidel” and learned how to play the dreidel game, as well. We had fun practicing how to spin the four-sided top. This was a game we would surely teach our families!

During art, we used our hand prints, craft sticks, and paint to create menorahs and painted dreidels, too. We also created unique blue paintings using star shaped bows!

We read books like “How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Hanukkah”, “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Dreidel”, and “Hanukkah Bear”. These were fun stories that made us laugh, yet taught us much about the traditions of the Fesitival Of Lights.

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday, celebrated with your family and friends! Happy Hanukkah!