SPRING WEEK though a bit soggy and chilly outside, was warm and cheery inside our classrooms! Spring has arrived and brought all of the clouds and rain with it! Soon the beauty of spring will be all around us; green grass, bright flowers, warm sun, birds chirping, and children playing outside! Yay!

We brainstormed about all of the upcoming activities we will do in the fabulous weather to come. Some of our favorites included riding bikes, flying kites, going to the park, playing soccer and baseball, and having picnics. Sounds like a fun-filled season is upon us!

We read “When Spring Comes”, “Spring Things”, “Surprising Spring”, “Splish Splash Spring”, and many others. Each of these books discussed the changes occurring this time of year and all the beauty that follows.

During creative art, we used bundled q-tips and paint to make life-like cherry blossom trees. Adding scent to our flowers, we glued and scattered Fruity Pebbles on the petals. Some of us even made inch worms using clothespins and pom poms and butterflies with our tiny little feet!

As they say, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”…so we are patiently waiting for the calm, gentle spring time air!