Pre Kindergarten

Pre Kindergarten
As children turn four years old, they begin to test and feel their strength and power. They require climbing tools, ladders, boards, and building blocks to release energy and learn. The four to five year old seeks to satisfy curiosity through the discovery process. Our learning centers and enrichment rooms allow them to have the freedom to choose materials provided for both individual and group learning.
The curriculum focus in Pre-K is on advancing in various areas including language arts and literacy, phonics, mathematics, science, social and emotional development. We strive to provide a balance between academic, social, emotional, and cognitive skills to make our children “school ready”. The classroom environment combined with daily visits to our enrichment rooms, library and tech rooms, indoor/outdoor play and weekly yoga, dance and music lessons provide a solid foundation for our children to face the more structured environment of a Kindergarten classroom.
Teachers use resources like Kumon worksheets for language arts and literacy, Jolly Learning for phonics, Singapore Math for mathematics, and ABCMouse to achieve our academic goals. In addition, various enrichment activities are planned to allow them to gain independence, confidence, and self-control. There is also emphasis on following rules and routines, respecting others, and becoming respectful members of the classroom. The use of technology is increased with the use of smartboards in the classroom and iPads in the technology center.
Outside play continues to be a part of the children’s daily schedule. Our Pre-K children also participate in our family style dining in our lunch area and are now able to assist teachers in setting up the lunch tables.